TC9CB @id: unlocode-tc:TC9CB @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Cockburn Harbour rdfs:comment: Cockburn Harbour rdf:value: TC9CB TCGDT @id: unlocode-tc:TCGDT @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Grand Turk Island rdfs:comment: Grand Turk Island rdf:value: TCGDT TCMDS @id: unlocode-tc:TCMDS @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Middle Caicos rdfs:comment: Middle Caicos rdf:value: TCMDS TCNCA @id: unlocode-tc:TCNCA @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: North Caicos rdfs:comment: North Caicos rdf:value: TCNCA TCPIC @id: unlocode-tc:TCPIC @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Pine Cay rdfs:comment: Pine Cay rdf:value: TCPIC TCPLS @id: unlocode-tc:TCPLS @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Providenciales rdfs:comment: Providenciales rdf:value: TCPLS TCSLX @id: unlocode-tc:TCSLX @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Salt Cay rdfs:comment: Salt Cay rdf:value: TCSLX TCXSC @id: unlocode-tc:TCXSC @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: South Caicos rdfs:comment: South Caicos rdf:value: TCXSC TC @id: unlocode-tc:TC @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (THE) rdfs:comment: TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (THE) rdf:value: TC