Language_normally_used @id: uncl3455:Language_normally_used @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: The language normally used. rdfs:comment: The language normally used. rdf:value: 1 Language_understood @id: uncl3455:Language_understood @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: Language understood by the person. rdfs:comment: Language understood by the person. rdf:value: 2 Spoken_language @id: uncl3455:Spoken_language @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: Language that can be spoken by a person. rdfs:comment: Language that can be spoken by a person. rdf:value: 3 Written_language @id: uncl3455:Written_language @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: Language that can be written by the person. rdfs:comment: Language that can be written by the person. rdf:value: 4 Read_language @id: uncl3455:Read_language @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: Language that can be read by the person. rdfs:comment: Language that can be read by the person. rdf:value: 5 For_all_types_of_communication @id: uncl3455:For_all_types_of_communication @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: Language used for all types of communications. rdfs:comment: Language used for all types of communications. rdf:value: 6 Native_language @id: uncl3455:Native_language @type: uncefact:UNCL3455Code Comment: Language first spoken by the person. rdfs:comment: Language first spoken by the person. rdf:value: 7