Per_day @id: uncl2155:Per_day @type: uncefact:UNCL2155Code Comment: The associated charge applies to each day the service is provided. rdfs:comment: The associated charge applies to each day the service is provided. rdf:value: 1 Per_week @id: uncl2155:Per_week @type: uncefact:UNCL2155Code Comment: The associated charge applies to each week the service is provided. rdfs:comment: The associated charge applies to each week the service is provided. rdf:value: 2 Per_month @id: uncl2155:Per_month @type: uncefact:UNCL2155Code Comment: The associated charge applies to each month the service is provided. rdfs:comment: The associated charge applies to each month the service is provided. rdf:value: 3 Per_rental @id: uncl2155:Per_rental @type: uncefact:UNCL2155Code Comment: The associated charge applies to the entire length of time the service is provided. rdfs:comment: The associated charge applies to the entire length of time the service is provided. rdf:value: 4 Per_hour @id: uncl2155:Per_hour @type: uncefact:UNCL2155Code Comment: The associated charge applies to each hour the service is provided. rdfs:comment: The associated charge applies to each hour the service is provided. rdf:value: 5 Per_minute @id: uncl2155:Per_minute @type: uncefact:UNCL2155Code Comment: The associated charge applies to each minute the service is provided. rdfs:comment: The associated charge applies to each minute the service is provided. rdf:value: 6