EDIFACT_service_data_element_code_list @id: uncl1507:EDIFACT_service_data_element_code_list @type: uncefact:UNCL1507Code Comment: The code list is classified as UN/ECE WP.4 service data element. rdfs:comment: The code list is classified as UN/ECE WP.4 service data element. rdf:value: 1 WP.4_international_code_list @id: uncl1507:WP.4_international_code_list @type: uncefact:UNCL1507Code Comment: The code list is classified as international and endorsed by WP.4. rdfs:comment: The code list is classified as international and endorsed by WP.4. rdf:value: 2 Non_WP.4_code_list @id: uncl1507:Non_WP.4_code_list @type: uncefact:UNCL1507Code Comment: The code list is classified as other and is not maintained by and not endorsed by WP.4. rdfs:comment: The code list is classified as other and is not maintained by and not endorsed by WP.4. rdf:value: 3 EDIFACT_user_data_element_code_list @id: uncl1507:EDIFACT_user_data_element_code_list @type: uncefact:UNCL1507Code Comment: The code list is classified as UN/ECE WP.4 user data element. rdfs:comment: The code list is classified as UN/ECE WP.4 user data element. rdf:value: 4