Broadcast_1 @id: uncl1159:Broadcast_1 @type: uncefact:UNCL1159Code Comment: Report from workstation 1. rdfs:comment: Report from workstation 1. rdf:value: 1 Broadcast_2 @id: uncl1159:Broadcast_2 @type: uncefact:UNCL1159Code Comment: Report from workstation 2. rdfs:comment: Report from workstation 2. rdf:value: 2 Manufacturer_sequence_number @id: uncl1159:Manufacturer_sequence_number @type: uncefact:UNCL1159Code Comment: The manufacturer's plant requesting the delivery of the item has allocated the sequence number. rdfs:comment: The manufacturer's plant requesting the delivery of the item has allocated the sequence number. rdf:value: 3 Manufacturer_production_sequence_number @id: uncl1159:Manufacturer_production_sequence_number @type: uncefact:UNCL1159Code Comment: The plant requesting the delivery of an item assigns a number indicating the sequence of the finished article. rdfs:comment: The plant requesting the delivery of an item assigns a number indicating the sequence of the finished article. rdf:value: 4 Transmission_sequence @id: uncl1159:Transmission_sequence @type: uncefact:UNCL1159Code Comment: The positional sequence when transmitted. rdfs:comment: The positional sequence when transmitted. rdf:value: 5 Structure_sequence @id: uncl1159:Structure_sequence @type: uncefact:UNCL1159Code Comment: The positional sequence in a message structure as published in a particular UN directory. rdfs:comment: The positional sequence in a message structure as published in a particular UN directory. rdf:value: 6